Tyre pressures

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Tyre pressures

Make sure you buy a tyre pressure gauge of your own, who knows when the last time the air pump at the garage was calibrated.

Buying your own gauge will insure you get similar readings.

Please enter all readings as COLD

Please beware that tyre pressure is part of your suspension setup and the pressure numbers from the manual is a good start if you run factory geo and OE tyres. Anything else is trial and error.

That said starting at the low end will help you find the correct pressure faster.

Elise S1 FRONT REAR Road or Track?
Toyo R888 22 24 Road
Tyre Name PSI PSI ?
Tyre Name PSI PSI ?
Tyre Name PSI PSI ?
Tyre Name PSI PSI ?
Tyre Name PSI PSI ?

The Elise manual says 26F/27.5R for Bridgestones on a K series but this may be too high with rear centre tread wearing first.

Elise S2 K series FRONT REAR Road or Track?
Yoko AD07 PSI 22 PSI 24 Road & Track
Bridgestones PSI 24 PSI 26 Road
Tyre Name PSI PSI ?
Tyre Name PSI PSI ?
Tyre Name PSI PSI ?
Tyre Name PSI PSI ?
Tyre Name PSI PSI ?

Elise S2 Toyota FRONT REAR Road or Track?
Tyre Name PSI PSI ?
Tyre Name PSI PSI ?
Tyre Name PSI PSI ?
Tyre Name PSI PSI ?
Tyre Name PSI PSI ?
Tyre Name PSI PSI ?
Tyre Name PSI PSI ?

Exige S2 Toyota FRONT REAR Road or Track?
Yokohama A048 22 24 Track
Yokohama A048 24 26 Road
Toyo T1-R 26 28 Road

Europa FRONT REAR Road or Track?
Tyre Name PSI PSI ?
Tyre Name PSI PSI ?
Tyre Name PSI PSI ?