Trimming door cards

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To trim your door cards you will need:

File:/albums/userpics/25718/P3240004.JPG - Some Spray Glue, such as Plasti-cote heavy duty (Available from halfords for about £7.50)

- Some trim fabric, such as Alcantara. I bought a 50*133cm piece off ebay for £10, which is easily enough for both door cards and the steering wheel centre

- Tools - Phillips Screwdriver, Bradawl, Stanley knife, sharp scissors

- Working area - Spray glue can be messy, so set aside an area that doesn't have any of your wife's things nearby.

- Time - About an hour per side, plus another hour to wash all the glue off your hands.


1. Remove the window winder handle and door card. This is straightforward enough.

2. Cut a piece of fabric roughly to shape
