Heater Actuator Replacement
Elise S2 to VIN ????? have manual temperature control.
MY?? onwards has electronic controlled temperature adjustment which is prone to failure.
2. Remove both rain water guards
3. Remove rain water guard over wiper motor
4. Remove large air pipe The large diameter air pipe which goes from the heater unit to the distribution unit is not secured in place. It is a simple puch fit.
5. Move wiring out of way Before the heater unit can be removed the wiring loom needs to be temporary relocated out the way. Snip the cable ties and drag towards the front of the car out the way. Also unplug the wire going into the actuator and drag out the way.
6. Separate heater unit from blower fan The heater unit is attached to the fan with two hand clasps. Undo these and forcibly seperate the heater unit from the fan. There is matted material on the front of the heater unit which over time bonds itself to the fan. Simply force these two units apart and take care not to damage the matted material too much!
7. Remove securing bar Remove the securing bar across the top of the heater unit. To 8mm bolts.
8. Remove the heater unit Now the hard part! Shove the fan as far right as it will possibly go and then some more! Lift the front of the heater unit upwards and then diagonally towards the wiper motor. The heater unit will be exiting on the right side of the car.
9. Clean heater unit
10. Replace actuator